Dates Active in Dublin:
c. 1776–1788
Business Type:
2 Dame Street ('near the Royal Exchange')
Succeeded the business of her husband Samuel (ii) Lee.
Listed with her son Edmond Lee the Dublin Directories as 'music sellers' from 1777 to 1788 (except in 1786 when only Edmond is listed).
It is not certain to what extent (if any) Anne Lee may be identified with the 'Walker & Lee' partnership of c. 1781 listed in Hogan, but their addresses are the same.
[Dates and details differ according to sources: Barra Boydell (Long Room) gives the dates as 1771 to 1783. The Dublin Directories and Brian Boydell (Calendar) give the dates as 1777 to 1788 but Humphries and Smith give the dates from 1776 to 1788. Kerry gives the date until 1786.]
Select Product/Work List:
Issued (as listed in Flood)
See Also:
Last Update: 20-05-2021