Alday, Paul

Dates Active in Dublin: 

c. 1809–1835


16 Exchange Street, 1809–15
10 Dame Street, 1815–35


Succeeded the business of Francis Rhames (Munter).

He subscribed to Melodia Sacra in 1814, described as 'music-seller'.

Paul Alday was also active as a composer, violinist, singer and professor of music.

[Dates and addresses according to sources: Hogan and Humphries & Smith give 16 Exchange Street from c. 1810 to 1815 and 10 Dame Street from c. 1815 to 1835. Boydell ('Flageolet') gives 16 Exchange Street from 1810 to 1815 only. Brook & Viano give Alday's earliest known date in Dublin as 1809, stating that he 'bought a music business in 1811'. Munter states that Rhames sold the business to Alday in 1809.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Grand Symphony for a Full Orchestra, Composed and Respectfully Dedicated to the Anacreontic Society of Dublin by P. Alday. Published by Paul Alday, 10 Dame Street, 4 doors from Palace St. [the first symphony composed in Ireland; composed 1816, published c. 1819]
  • The Fairy Bower, a favorite new ballad, with an accompaniment for the piano forte [...] dedicated to Miss Alexander [...] by James May (Londonderry) [with a transcription from D major in the vocal part to F major, specifically for the flageolet] (Boydell, 'Flageolet')
  • Sold

  • Guitar: private collection. Label: ‘SOLD BY / ALDAY & CO. / 10, Dame-street, / DUBLIN, / MUSIC SELLERS TO / […?] Excellency the […?] LIEUTENANT.’
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 12-02-2017