Cooke, Bartholomew

Dates Active in Dublin: 

1784–1797 (1798?)


14 Eustace Street, 1784–86
4 Sackville Street, 1794–98


Also known as Bartlett Cooke.

Listed in the Dublin Directories as a 'professor of music' (1784–86), 'music seller' (1795) and 'musical instrument maker' (from 1796). Advertised in the newspapers as being a 'music shop and publisher' (cited in Kerry). He advertised in the Freeman's Journal on 17 July 1794 the opening of a 'new music shop' at 4 Sackville Street selling pianos, violins and music.

Succeeded in business by George Gough on 30 September 1797 (Pollard).

[Dates differ according to sources: Hogan, Humphries & Smith and McHale give the dates as c. 1794 to 1798 but Pollard gives the dates as before 1794 to 1797. Kerry gives the dates as 1784 to 1798.]

Select Product/Work List: 

Published (as listed in Pollard)

  • Logier, I.B., Sett of Quick and Slow Marches, Troops, &c
  • 'Viotti’s Concerto for the piano forte, Mrs Parker’s new dances, and other', 26 December 1794
  • Holden, Smollet, Collection of Quick and Slow marches, after 3 February 1795
  • 'Barthelemon’s Harp tutor, Mr Dempsy’s Dances for 1795', 27 February 1795
  • 'Haydn’s Second set of canzonetts', 31 March 1796
  • 'Hooke’s Sonatas, with variations to Irish airs', 7 January 1797
  • 'Dr Stevenson’s Songs and duets', 1 February 1797
  • Sold (as listed in Pollard)

  • 'Dr Stevenson’s 12 songs, and 7 others'
  • 'Imported piano fortes and "has the last importation" of French music and harps', 16 July 1794
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 17-05-2018