Gough, George

Dates Active in Dublin: 

before 1797–1807


29 Capel Street, before 1798
4 Sackville Street, 1797–1807


Succeeded the business of Bartholomew Cooke at 4 Sackville Street (Pollard).

[Dates and addresses differ according to sources: the Dublin Directories, Hogan, Humphries & Smith, Boydell and McHale give 4 Sackville Street from 1798 to 1807 but Pollard gives it from 1787 citing press advertisements. Kerry gives it from 1798 to 1807 referring to press advertisments without citation. Boydell also gives 29 Capel Street, before 1798.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Alas Poor Lubin, arranged for guitars, c.1800 (Lawrence)
  • The Confession: a Favourite Canzonet (Pollard)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 17-05-2018