Perry, James

Dates Active in Dublin: 



6 Anglesea Street, 1773–80 [as apprentice to Thomas Perry]
4 Trinity Street, c. 1780–88


Probably a cousin of Thomas Perry (Rice).

Apprenticed to Thomas Perry from 1773 to 1780 (Rice).

He became a protege of the Ormonde family and set up business in Kilkenny. He was active in Kilkenny in 1786, 1792 (Tighe) and 1799 (Rice).

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Violin (no. 1020), 1799. Label: 'Made by James Perry, Kilkenny, No. 1020=1799' (Rice)
  • Violin, 1417, 1810: private collection. Stamp: 'James Perry Kilkenny' (at base of neck). Label: 'Made by James Parry [sic] Kilkenny No. 1417 Ad|o1810' (inked purfling on belly)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 03-03-2017