Neal, William

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Christ Church Yard, c. 1723–41


Son of John Neal.

Carolan (2010) states that the Neals were 'musicians, makers, and importers of musical instruments, publishers and importers of sheet music, music impresarios, and property speculators', and 'the first known trade importers, and the first known makers probably, of the violin in Ireland'. Rice states that 'the Neale family helped to establish a tradition of music printing in Dublin which exploited the absence of copyright law in Ireland'. William described himself in legal documents (1732–42) as 'musical instrument maker'.

From 1723 to 1733 William published together with John Neal. A Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes Proper for the Violin, German Flute or Hauboy from 1724 is the earliest collection of Irish music (Carolan, 2nd edn). The Neal's publication in 1726 of the earliest German flute tutor by Jacques Hotteterre le Romain's Printempes de la Flute Traversiere ou Flute d'Allemagne (1707), translated into English, is the earliest surviving English-language translation. (Carolan, 2010)

From 1734 to 1741 William published seven volumes of music, between 1740 and 1744 in partnership with William Manwaring (Boydell, Calendar).

By 1740 he was treasurer of the Charitable Musical Society, in which capacity he was responsible for building the Music Room in Fishamble Street. After 1741, when he became the first manager-director of the Fishamble Street hall, William Neal was involved in only one other music publication: two numbers of The Monthly Masque, a series that began c. 1744, in which he was associated again with William Manwaring.

Mark [could be John or William's]: 'NEALE/MAKER (heart pierced by two arrows)' (Waterhouse).

Carolan suggests that Denis Connor may have been an employee and succeeded the Neal business in Christ Church Yard.

[Details differ according to sources: Humphries & Smith and Munter gives the dates as 1734 to 1741. Munter erroneously states that William joined his father John in business in 1734. Note: Berry and Carolan (2010) gives the partnership of Neal & Manwaring at Corelli's Head College Green in 1737, Boydell (Calendar) gives the partnership dates as 1740 to 1744 and Munter gives them as 1740 to 1741.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Tenor recorder/voice flute: Boston. Inventory number 17.1804 [attributed to John by Waterhouse but could be by either John or William] (Waterhouse)
  • Published (as listed in Carolan, 2010)

  • A Choice Collection of the Newest Airs and Minuets Proper for the Violin, German Flute or Hautboy / 'a Choice Colection [sic] of the Newest Airs, Minuets, and Play House Tunes; faithfully Corrected by the best Masters here [...] note this is the first ever done in this Kingdom', 28 December 1723
  • A Colection [sic] of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes Proper for the Violin, German Flute or Hautboy, before 22 August 1724
  • A Colection [sic] of the Most Celebrated Scotch Tunes for the Violin, being All Diferent [sic] from Any Yet Printed in London and Carefully Corrected by the Best Masters, before 22 August 1724
  • 'A Collection / Book of Irish and Scotch Tunes for the Flute', before 22 August 1724
  • A Musicall Entertainment for a Chamber. Sonatas for Violin, Flute, Violoncello and Six-String Bass. With a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Bass Violin. Lastly a Scotch Cantata, with the Instrumentall Parts after the Italian Manner. Dedicated to His Grace James, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. Compos'd by Lorenzo Bocchi. Opera Prima, 27 July 1725
  • 'The Songs and Dances in Faustus / The Entertainment of Faustus', before 8 February 1726
  • 'The Songs, Dances and Airs, in the New Musick, of the Entertainment Call’d the Inchanter, or Harlequin Merlin, Consisting of above 20 Folio Plates. The Vocal Part Compos’d by Dr Heighington, and by him Carefully Corrected', 8 February 1726
  • A Choice Collection of Country Dances with Their Proper Tunes. Whereof Many Never Nefore Publish’d, and in an Easier Method to be Understood then [sic] Ever Yet Printed. Gathered, Composed and Corrected by Many of the Best Masters of This Kingdom, before 8 November 1726
  • A Set of the Most Cellebrated [sic] Airs and Play-House Yunes as Performed at the Theatre, being Collected from the Works of Corelli, Venturini and Others. Carfully [sic] Corrected and Figured for ye Harpsichord or Spinet, 8 November 1726
  • 'The Rudiments or Principles of the German Flute, explaining after an easy Method every Thing Necessary for a Learner Thereon, to a Greater Nicety than has Ever been Thought Before, Wrote in French by the Sieur [sic] Hotteterre le Romain, Musician in Ordinary to the Late French King, and Faithfully Translated into English', 8 November 1726
  • 'Mr. Percivall’s Concertos', c. 1726
  • A Second Collection of English Airs & Minuets, with Severall [sic] Favourite Airs out of the Late Operas of Otho, Julius Caesar, Vespasian & Rodelinda; All Sett with a Bass, being Proper for the Violin, German Flute, Harpsichord or Spinett', c.1726
  • A Third Collection for the Violin of the Newest English Airs and Minuets with Several of the Most Favorite Songs out of the Latest Operas. All Sett with Basses and Barefully Figured, being Proper for the German Flue, Harpsichord or Spinet, 4–7 November 1727

  • The Whole Music to the Songs in the Beggar’s Opera as Performed at the Theatre. Carefully Adapted for the Violin or German Flute, before 29 April – 3 May 1729
  • 'A Second Collection of Country Dances', before 29 April – 3 May 1729
  • The Whole Musick and Songs, of the Second Part of the Beggar’s Opera Sett with Basses Proper for the Violin, German Flute, Harpsichord or Spinet. Carefully Corrected from the London Edition, 29 April – 3 May 1729
  • The Most Celebrated Airs Chose out of All ye Operas Composed by Mr. Handel Fitted for the Violin, German Flutf [sic], Harpsichord or Spinnet &c., 11–14 October 1729
  • 'A Collection of Airs and Minuets, with Divisions on the Black Joak, together with Several of the Airs Composed by Mr. Dubourg for His Majesty’s Birthday, being Proper for the Violin, German Flute, Harpsichord and Spinet. All Set with Basses and Carefully Figur’d', 14–17 November 1730
  • The Dublin Quarterly MasqueL being a Choice Colection [sic] of English Songs Sett with the Basses, Adapted to the Violin, German Flute, Harpsichord, or Spinet, c.1730
  • 'A Colection [sic] of English Songs', before 28 August – 1 September 1733
  • 'A Collection of the Most Celebrated Scotch Songs, with the Musick and Basses, Carefully Transpos’d for the Flute at the Bottom', 28 August – 1 September 1733
  • A Second Collection of the Most Celebrated Airs Chose out of All the Latest Operas Compos'd by Mr. Handel Fitted for the Violin, German Flute, Harpsichord or Spinnet &c., 22–26 January 1734
  • 'A Third Collection of Country Dances', 12–16 November 1734
  • 'A Fourth Collection of Country Dances', 8 November 1737
  • 'A Fifth Collection of Country Dances', 6–10 November 1739
  • A Collection of ye Favourite Songs out of the Celebrated Masque of Comus and ye Oratorio of Athalia, with Several of the Choicest Balat Songs, 8–11 November 1740
  • A Second Collection of ye Celebrated Songs out of the Masque of Comus, with Several of the Choicest Balat Songs Sung by Mrs Clive &c., 10 August 1741
  • The Monthly Masque or an Entertainment of Music. Consisisting of Four Celebrated Songs, Set for the Violin, German Flute and Harpsicord [sic]. By the Best Masters (nos. 4 and 6), c.1744
  • Source(s): 

    Dublin Journal, 11–14 February 1744, p. 3

    Berry, Henry F., 'House and Shop Signs in Dublin in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries', The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, 5th ser., 40.2 (30 June 1910), 81–98 (p. 87)

    Flood, W.H. Grattan, ‘John and William Neale, Music Printers, 1721–1741’, The Bibliographical Society of Ireland: Short Papers, 3.8 (1928), 85–89

    Dix, E.R. McC., ‘Some Dublin Music Printers and Music Sellers of the Eighteenth Century’, The Irish Book Lover, 18.1 (January/February 1930), 26–28 (p. 27)

    Humphries, Charles and William C. Smith, Music Publishing in the British Isles, from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century; a Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers, and Music Sellers (London: Oxford University Press, 1970), p. 242

    Boydell, Brian, 'Music, 1700–1850', in Eighteenth-Century Ireland 1691–1800, ed. by T.W. Moody and W.E. Vaughan, A New History of Ireland, IV (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986), pp. 568–627 (p. 591)

    A Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes Proper for the Violin, German Flute or Hautboy, [ed. by] John and William Neal, facs. edn by Nicholas Carolan (Dublin: John and William Neal, 1724; repr. Dublin: Folk Music Society of Ireland, 1986)

    Boydell, Brian, A Dublin Musical Calendar 1700–1760 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1988), p. 259

    Munter, Robert, A Dictionary of the Print Trade in Ireland: 1550–1775 (New York: Fordham University Press, 1988), p. 194

    Rice, John Kenneth, 'The Life and Work of Thomas Perry' (unpublished doctoral thesis, St Patrick's College Maynooth, 1993), p. 17

    Waterhouse, William, The New Langwill Index: a Dictionary of Musical Wind-Instrument Makers and Inventors (London: Tony Bingham, 1993), p. 279

    Boydell, Barra, 'The Development of the Dublin Music Print Trade to 1800', Long Room (1996), pp.25-33 (p. 30)

    A Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes Proper for the Violin, German Flute or Hautboy, [ed. by] John and William Neal, 2nd facs. edn by Nicholas Carolan (Dublin: John and William Neal, 1724; repr. Dublin: ITMA/Folk Music Society of Ireland, 2010), pp. 1, 15, 17, 19-20, 25-27, 47

    Boydell, Brian, ‘Manwaring, William (1)’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Boydell, Brian, ‘Neal(e), John and William (1)’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Boydell, Brian, ‘Neal(e), John and William (2)’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Boydell, Brian, ‘Neal(e), John and William (3)’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Boydell, Brian, ‘Neal(e), John and William (4)’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Last Update: 20-05-2021