McDonnell, Alexander

Dates Active in Dublin: 



34 Anglesea Street, 1787–89


Listed in the Dublin Directories as 'musical instrument maker' from 1787.

Succeeded in business by Alex. & J. McDonnell.

[Details differ according to sources: the Dublin Directories give 34 Anglesea Street from 1787 to 1789. The viola in the National Museum provides the earlier date of 1777. Humphries & Smith, under 'McDonnell' give 2 Church Lane from c. 1790 to 1810 and 28 Nassau Street. Lawrence (with no citation) gives 34 Anglesea Street from 1787 to 1789, 2 Church Lane from 1790 to 1810 and 12 Anglesea Street from 1810 to 1815. It is probable that the addresses after 1790 refer to the later Alex. & J. McDonnell partnership.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Viola: National Museum of Ireland. Mark: 'Alexander McDonnell, Dublin 1778'. Label: 'Made by Chaz. & Alexander McDaniell Dublin 1777' [perhaps a misreading or misspelling of McDonnell] (Boydell)
  • English guitar, 1800: National Museum of Ireland (Gogan; Doyle)
  • Source(s): 

    Dublin Directories

    Flood, W.H. Grattan, 'Dublin Harpsichord and Pianoforte Makers of the Eighteenth Century', The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 5th ser., 39.2 (1909), 137–45 (p. 143)

    Gogan, L.S., 'Musical Instrument Collections in the National Museum of Ireland', in Music in Ireland: a Symposium, ed. by Aloys Fleischmann (Cork: Cork University Press, 1952), 299–307 (p. 304)

    Teahan, John, 'A List of Irish Instrument Makers', The Galpin Society Journal, 16 (May 1963), 28–32 (p. 30)

    Hogan, Ita Margaret, Anglo-Irish Music 1780–1830 (Cork: Cork University Press, 1966), p. 108

    Humphries, Charles and William C. Smith, Music Publishing in the British Isles, from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century; a Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers, and Music Sellers (London: Oxford University Press, 1970), p. 222

    Doyle, Paul, ‘18th Century Musical Instruments in the National Museum Dublin, with notes on an English Guitar 1764 by Gibson of Dublin’, FOMRHI Quarterly, 13 (October 1978), 21-24 (p. 24)

    Lawrence, Thomas, ‘The History of the Guitar in Ireland 1760-1866’, 2 vols (unpublished doctoral thesis, University College Dublin, 1999), I, p. 28

    Boydell, Brian, ‘McDaniell’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Boydell, Brian, ‘McDonnell, Alex (1)’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Boydell, Brian, ‘McDonnell, Alex (2)’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Boydell, Brian, ‘McDonnell, Alex(ander) and family’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Last Update: 03-03-2017