Dates Active in Dublin:
4 Duke Street, 1815–21
2 Dame Street, 1821–22
Succeeded the business of Edmond Lee at 2 Dame Street.
Listed in the Dublin Directories as a 'Pianoforte maker'.
From 1823, Maria Aldridge, Wilkinson & Co. is listed in the Dublin Directories at the same address, suggesting that John Aldridge may have died in 1822.
[Dates and addresses differ according to sources: Hogan and Humphries & Smith give 2 Dame Street from c. 1821 to 1822. Boydell gives 4 Duke Street from 1815 to 1821 and 2 Dame Street from 1821 to 1822.]
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See Also:
Dublin Directories
Hogan, Ita Margaret, Anglo-Irish Music 1780–1830 (Cork: Cork University Press, 1966), p. 101
Last Update: 26-09-2013