Dates Active in Dublin:
1750? 1768?
Business Type:
Carolan (2017) states that Egan of Dublin was 'making pipes both of ivory and of wood tipped with ivory, and sometimes adding a single regulator to his instruments' by the 1760s.
Stamp: 'EGAN' (Carolan, 2017)
Carolan (2017) states that there were potentially a family of Egan pipemakers in Dublin, citing Rev. Dr Richard Henebry who wrote that he had 'an old set made by one of the Egans of Dublin, about the year 1750, or perhaps earlier'. He further states that 'Egan of Dublin' is not the son of John Egan.
Select Product/Work List:
the pipes) (Carolan, 2017)
See Also:
Last Update: 16-03-2018