Wilkinson, Thomas William

Dates Active in Dublin: 



4 Anglesea Street, 1837–38
35 Wellington Quay, 1838–80
5 Rosanna Place, Portobello and 5 Essex Quay, 1839–41
150 Abbey Street, 1842
1 Aston's Quay, 1844 [1843–47?]
33 Wellington Quay, 1852


Rice identifies Thomas William Wilkinson (b. 1801, d. 1880) as the son of William Wilkinson and the grandson of Thomas Perry.

Succeeded the business of William Wilkinson after his death in 1838. Thomas William was a solicitor, practicing law from Perry's house (4 Anglesea Street), and so continued the music business as a sideline.

Succeeded in business by William Cross.

[Dates and addresses differ according to sources: Rice gives 4 Anglesea Street until 1838 and 35 Wellington Quay from 1838 to 1880. McGoogan and Teahan give the Rosanna Place and Essex Quay addresses for the William Wilkinson business (but after William's death). Boydell (Card Index) gives 150 Abbey Street in 1842 and 1 Aston's Quay from 1843 to 1847 for William Wilkinson (after William's death) citing Teahan, but Teahan does not list these addresses for Wilkinson. It is unlikely that the Wilkinson business was based at the Aston's Quay address as the Dublin Directories give William White at this address during 1843 and 1844. Teahan gives the address of 33 Wellington Quay for the violin maker 'Wilkinson' c. 1820, but as this address was also given in an 1853 advertisement in The Exhibition Expositor for 'W. Wilkinson' (i.e. the business run by Thomas William Wilkinson), it is likely that the Wilkinson business (William Wilkinson in 1820 and Thomas William Wilkinson in 1853) had another premises at this address.]

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  • 'Violincello and Case [... ] made by St. Cecile de Thermes, Paris', 1853 (The Exhibition Expositor)
  • Last Update: 26-09-2013