Weber, Rachel

Dates Active in Dublin: 



71 Marlborough Street, 1785–87
75 Marlborough Street, 1788–89


Wife of Ferdinand Weber, she continued her husband's harpsichord and organ business after his death in 1784 (together with her son Thomas Ferdinand Weber), advertising to this effect in the Dublin Journal on 4 November 1784.

Listed in the Dublin Directories as 'harpsichord maker', first appearing as a late entry to the listing in 1785.

The Trinity College accounts show 'Weber' and 'Mrs. Weber' are mentioned as organ tuner/repairer in 1786 and 1787 (it may be that Thomas Ferdinand carried out the work and Rachel Weber managed the business). William Castles Hollister took over the tuning and maintenance in December 1787.

Thomas Ferdinand continued the business after his mother's death in 1789 at least until 1795 (Boydell, 'The Organ of Trinity College Chapel, Dublin').

[Note: Rachel and Thomas Ferdinand Weber are listed at different address in the Dublin Directories between 1787 and 1789 (Rachel as a harpsichord maker and Thomas Ferdinand as an organ builder), Thomas Ferdinand moving to his mother's address following her death in 1789.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Organ: Trinity College Chapel, 1784–87 (Boydell, 'The Organ of Trinity College Dublin')
  • Last Update: 26-09-2013