Telford, William Hodgson

Dates Active in Dublin: 



A partner in Telford & Sons with his father William and his younger brother Edward Henry (Gillen).

In May 1890, the Impartial Reporter noted that 'W.H. Telford, who is a bachelor of music of T.C.D.' gave a recital on the newly built Telford organ in St Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Enniskillen, 'the first organ recital ever given in Enniskillen'.

Select Product/Work List: 

Repaired/Rebuilt [by Telford & Sons, perhaps not by William Hodgson himself]

  • Organ: St Patrick's Cathedral, 1870, 1878 (Grindle)
  • Organ: St Werburgh's Church, 1882 [Miller organ] (Hughes)
  • Last Update: 17-02-2017