Stewart, Neil

Dates Active in Dublin: 



The Public Gazeteer of 11–15 May 1762 carried an advertisement for the sale of 'New Musick and Instruments' at 'the Shop lately kept by Mr. Ford opposite Lucas's Coffee House on Cork Hill'. The sale opened on 17 May with a public auction on 2 June. The issue of 29 May – 1 June identifies the proprietor as Neil Stewart who was only on a limited stay in Dublin (Boydell, Card Index). This was perhaps the same Neil Stewart listed in Humphries & Smith as a musical instrument seller and repairer, music seller and publisher based in Edinburgh from c. 1759 to c. 1805. It is also like the same N. Stewart that Moulden identified as a ballad printer in the eighteenth-century in Dublin.

Last Update: 17-05-2018