Risk, George

Dates Active in Dublin: 



The London, opposite the Horse Guard, Dame Street, 1712–19
The Exchange, Cork Hill, 1720–?
Corner of Castle Lane, Dame Street, near the Horse Guard, 1725–27
Shakespeare's Head, Dame Street, 1728–58


A prominent printer and publisher, who also worked in music publication.

Participated in various joint ventures, including one with George Ewing and Wililam Smith (1726–56) (Munter).

Apprentice: Abraham Bradley.

[Details differ according to sources: Munter gives the dates and addresses as above. Berry gives the Shakespeare's Head, Dame Street in 1732. Boydell (Calendar) gives the dates and addresses as 'Castle Lane, Dame-st 1729–37 (also given as Shakespeare's Head, Dame-st)'. Flood ('Dublin Music Printing from 1685 to 1750') gives the address as Castle Lane, Dame Street. Munter, under 'Smith, William', states that the Risk, Ewing & Smith partnership began in 1727 but under 'Ewing, George' and 'Risk, George' he states that it began in 1726.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Daniel Wright, Aria di Camera, 1729 [pirate edition published by Samuel Powell] (Flood, 'Dublin Music Printing from 1685 to 1750')
  • Allen Ramsey, Tea Table Miscellany, 1729 (Flood, 'Music-Printing in Dublin from 1700 to 1750')
  • Allen Ramsey, Tea Table Miscellany, 10th edn, 1734 [pirate edition of the tunes published by Samuel Powell] (Flood, 'Dublin Music Printing from 1685 to 1750' and 'Music-Printing in Dublin from 1700 to 1750')
  • ‘Moral Songs composed for the use of Children [...] The tunes specified may be found in the Musical Miscellany lately published, and are at present more in Vogue. With a recommendatory Preface by Dr Watts’ (Dublin Journal, 5–8 March 1737, cited in Boydell, Calendar)
  • ‘“The Musical Miscellany” being a Collection of choice Songs set to Violin and Flute by the most eminent Masters’ (Dublin News Letter, 29 March – 2 April 1737, cited in Boydell, Calendar)
  • ‘CUPID – A Collection of the most beautiful love Songs in the English Language. In Twelve Parts suited to 12 different sorts of Love’ (Dublin News Letter, 29 March – 2 April 1737, cited in Boydell, Calendar)
  • Last Update: 12-02-2017