Reilly, John

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Awarded a 'small medal' by the Royal Dublin Society in 1847 for flutes and clarionets, exhibited 'on an improved principal [but] in an unfinished state' (Boydell).

Mark: 'J. Reilly, 17 Fleet St. Dublin' (Waterhouse).

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'Flutes, clarionets', 1847 (Royal Dublin Society records, cited in Boydell)
  • 8-keyed ivory flute with silver mounts: private collection. Mark: 'J. Reilly, 17 Fleet Street, Dublin' with a shamrock on every joint
  • Flute: Glasgow [formerly in the Hague Collection] (Waterhouse)
  • Clarinet: Oxford. Inventory number 442 (Waterhouse)
  • Last Update: 26-09-2013