Ray, Joseph

Dates Active in Dublin: 


Business Type: 

College Green, 1681–94
The Three Naggs Heads, Essex Street, 1695–97
Skinner Row, opposite the Tholsel, 1698–1708


Established one of the largest printing houses in Dublin at the time (Barra Boydell, Long Room).

Succeeded in business by his wife Elizabeth Ray.

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'One anthem' for Christ Church Cathedral, 1683/4
  • 'All the choicest New Songs, with Musical Notes, set by the best Masters, and fairly engraven on Copper Plates, will hereafter (if these his first attempts find encouragement) be published at 2d a piece each by Robert Thornton Bookseller at the Leather Bottle in Skinner Row. Dublin. Printed by J. Ray on College Green, for Robert Thornton at the Leather Bottle, 1685 (Dublin News Letter, 30 January and 13–18 February 1686, cited in Boydell, 'Calendar')
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 20-05-2021