Brown, George

Dates Active in Dublin: 



At Mr Hyens, Cutler in Crane Lane


An illustrated advertisement in the Dublin Courant of 1747/8 reads: 'George Brown, Musical Instrument Maker, dwelling at Mr Hyens's, Cutler in Crane Lane, Dublin, has by his Skill and Industry, brought that Instrument called the German Flute to that Degree of Perfection, that the most Knowing in the Art can find no Defect in them, and by a new Machine of his own Invention, Gentlemen may with the greatest Facility sound all the Notes of the said Instrument, from the highest to the lowest. He also makes excellent German Cane Flutes, for the Accommodation of those Gentlemen that would recreate themselves abroad, and as he has been for this considerable Time past a successful practitioner in his Art, and has wrought for the most eminent Masters in his Travels through Germany, Holland, Flanders and England, humbly hopes, Gentlemen, such as have occasion for said Instrument will favour him with their Custom and may be assured of getting as good instruments from him, as is possible to be made.'

[Note: Teahan erroneously gives notes Joseph Brown instead of George Brown at Crane Lane in 1748.]

Last Update: 16-03-2017