Pease, Lancelot

Dates Active in Dublin: 



A native of Cambridge, Pease had built a new organ for Canterbury Cathedral in 1663 before coming to Dublin.

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Chair organ: Christ Church Cathedral, 1667 (Grindle)
  • Organ: St Patrick's Cathedral, 1679 [engaged to make a 'great organ', but this appears not to have been built] (Grindle)
  • Organ: St Audeon's Church, 1681 (Flood)
  • Organ: Trinity College Dublin, 1684–85 [original case survives in the Public Theatre, Trinity College Dublin] (Boydell, 'The Organ of Trinity College Chapel, Dublin')
  • Maintained

  • Organ: Christ Church Cathedral, ?–1682 (Grindle)
  • Last Update: 26-09-2013