Murphy, John

Dates Active in Dublin: 

before 1843–after 1869


Irish Bell Foundry, 137 James's Street, 1843
Bell Foundry and Copper Works, Thomas Street, 1853–65


An advertisement in the Freeman's Journal for the Irish Bell Foundry in 1843 states that John Murphy 'established church bell casting in Ireland' and that previously 'all Church Bells were imported from England or Scotland with the vender's name on them as if Manufactured in Ireland'.

The advertisement states that Murphy's joy bells, rung at the repeal demonstration in Clontarf in July, were the first joy bells manufactured and rung in Ireland.

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'Joy bells', 1843 [for the Repeal Demonstration in Clontarf] (Freeman's Journal, 1843)
  • 'Bennett's Clock bell', 1853 [sold at the Dublin Exhibition] (The Exhibition Expositor)
  • Bells: Athenry Church [removed in 1903] (Freeman's Journal, 1903)
  • Source(s): 

    Last Update: 17-09-2013