Murdock, Robert

Dates Active in Dublin: 

c. 1781–1824


62 Upper Sackville Street, 1815
9 Gloucester Place, 1817–21
13 Moore Street, 1822
10 College Green, 1823–24


Murdock moved from Cork to Dublin in 1781 (Hibernian Chronicle).

[Details differ according to sources: Teahan lists two Murdocks, one with no forename or address in Dublin in 1785 as an organ builder and harpsichord maker and a Robert Murdock, piano maker at Gloster Place and 10 College Green from 1812 to 1824. It is assumed here that these are the same person, the Robert Murdock who is listed as piano maker and organ builder in the Dublin Directories between 1815 and 1824 at the addresses listed above. Hogan gives a 'Murdoch' at Gloucester Place c. 1810 only.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'An elegant new Forti Piano, remarkably well toned', 1781 (Hibernian Chronicle)
  • Last Update: 26-09-2013