Manwaring, Mrs. William

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Corelli's Head, College Green


Succeeded the business of her husband William Manwaring on his death in 1763.

An imprint on a score of the fourth part of Love in a Village, c. 1763/4 (apparently an exact copy of Walsh's London edition of 1762), also mentions 'Alice Murray, sister to the late William Manwaring, at the music shop in College Green'.

[Dates differ according to sources: Dix, Flood and Munter give the dates from 1763 to 1765 but Boydell (Card Index) gives the dates from 1763 to 1788.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Monthly Masque, [revived from] c. 1763–65 (Munter)
  • Last Update: 12-02-2017