Hoey, James

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Christ Church Yard, 1726–28
The Pamphlet Shop, opposite the Thosel, Skinner Row, 1729–32
Milton's Head, Skinner's Row, 1730
The sign of the Mercury, next door to the Thosel, Skinner Row, 1732–65?
The sign of the Mercury, 19 Parliament Street, 1765?–74


Joined in a partnership with George Faulkner in 1727. According to Munter, this 'ended in a quarrel which led to both publishing identical titles for a while'.

[Dates and address differ according to sources: Flood ('Music-Printing in Dublin from 1700 to 1750') gives At the sign of the Mercury, in Skinner Row from 1745 to 1750. Dix gives Hoey from 1730 to 1731 as a music printer and from 1730 to 1748 as a music publisher at The sign of the Mercury, Skinner Row. Berry gives the Milton's Head, Skinner's Row in 1730. Humphries & Smith give the date as 1730 to 1774 in Christ Church Yard; at the Pamphlet Shop in Skinner's Row opposite the Tholsel, or simply, in Skinner Row; at the sign of the Mercury, in Skinner's Row. Boydell (Calendar) gives the address of The Sign of the Mercury, Skinner's Row in 1730 onwards and The Pamphlet Shop at Ch Ch Yard until 1774. Munter gives the Christ Church Yard and Pamphlet Shop addresses as above; The Mercury, next door to the Thosel, Skinner Row from 1729 to 1732 and The Mercury, 19 Parliament Street from 1765? to 1774.]

Select Product/Work List: 

Published (as listed in Flood, 'Dublin Music Printing from 1685 to 1750')

  • '"A Treatise on Dancing" by Henry Delamain, Dancing Master, the music and illustrations being done on copper plates', 1730
  • The Beggar’s Opera, 1731
  • Printed

  • Lampe, John FrederickLadies Amusement: Being a new Collection of Songs, Ballads, &c. with Symphonies & Thorough-Bass, c. 1748 (Flood, 'Music-Printing in Dublin from 1700 to 1750 and Humphries & Smith)
  • Lampe, John Frederick, 'Dean Swift's In Harmony Would You Excell' (Flood, 'Music-Printing in Dublin from 1700 to 1750')
  • Handel, Messiah [libretti], 1749 (Flood, 'Dublin Music Printing from 1685 to 1750' and Munter)
  • Sold

  • 'Printed word-books of oratorios to be performed at the Charitable Music Society in Fishamble Street every Friday', 1748 (Boydell, Card Index)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 12-02-2017