Hodson, George Alexander

Dates Active in Dublin: 

[1805? 1820?] c. 1827–1831


[27 Dame Street, 1820?]
108 Grafton Street, c. 1827–31


It is uncertain if 'Mr Hodson's Academy Concert at his Seminary, 27 Dame St.' refers to the same person (The Patriot, 18 January 1820).

[Dates differ according to sources: Hogan and Humphries & Smith give the dates from c. 1827 to 1831, noting that he was in London c. 1835. Boydell gives 108 Grafton Street in 1829 (citing the Dublin Directories), stating that he was in Dublin in 1805 and died in 1863.]

Last Update: 26-09-2013