Heron, Luke

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Great Britain Street, opposite the Mall


[Note: Boydell's references to 'German Flutes and a Harpsichord by Webber' are stated to have originated in the DJ on 13/16 Jan 1770, but there is no reference to Heron in the Dublin Journal of this date.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • A Treatise on the German Flute, Containing An Account of the Ancient Music, its Modes, their Application and Effects: Instructions for Playing the Flute; Wherein The Common Objections to that Instrument are obviated, And Any Defects that may be attributed to it are demonstrated to arise from an Improper Method in the Performance: The Diatonique and Chromatique Scales, with the Shakes, laid down in the msot obvious Manner: The Method of Playing in Time exemplified by Figures, ascertaining the Proportion the Notes bear to each other. With Directions for Accomppanying; Interspersed With Musick selected from the most favourite Authors. and adapted to The German Flute. Mineuntur Atrae Carmine Curae. Hor. By Luke Heron. London: printed by W. Griffin, and sold by John Johnston, the Corner of York-street, Covent-Garden; and at all the Music Shops in London; by Luke Heron, at his House in Great Britain-street, Dublin; and at all the Music Shops in that City. M DCC LXXI, [1771] (Warner)
  • Produced/Sold

  • German flutes (Boydell)
  • Sold

  • 'A harpsichord by Webber' (Boydell)
  • Last Update: 26-09-2013