Guernsey and De Vine

Dates Active in Dublin: 



A partnership between Wellington Guernsey & George Devine (April – October 1843).

[Dates differ according to sources: Humphries & Smith give the partnership dates as c. 1844. Advertisements in The Nation state that the partnership began in April 1843 but by October, De Vine's name was omitted from advertisements and it seems that Guernsey was alone in business. ]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Knight, J. P., I Loved Thee Once, April 1843 (The Nation, 23 April 1843)
  • Halevey, Harp of my Youth, April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • Murphy, W. Jun., There is a Heart that Beats for Thee, April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • Elrington, S.N., Le Jeune Tambour, April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • I'll Hang my Harp, April 1843 [new edn] (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • Knight, How Cheery are the Mariners, April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • The Nassau Waltz, April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • Minchin, H., The Prisoner's Dream, April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • Gillespie, W.F., I Muse O'er Each Remembered Scene, April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • The Gispy Maid, June 1843 (The Nation, 10 June 1843)
  • De Vine, Bound on, my Gentle Bark, June 1843 (The Nation, 10 June 1843)
  • Knight, How Cheery are the Mariners, June 1843 (The Nation, 10 June 1843)
  • Vaga Luna [vocal duet], June 1843 (The Nation, 10 June 1843)
  • Barnet, The Juno Waltz, June 1843 (The Nation, 10 June 1843)
  • Burgmuller, Les Trois Bijoux, June 1843 (The Nation, 10 June 1843)
  • McGhie, William, The Tree that in Childhood I planted, c. 1844[?] (Humphries & Smith)
  • Sold

  • 'Sale and Hire of Music and Musical Instruments of every description, at the cheapest possible rate consistent with good Instruments, and of every article connected with Music. Temperance Bands supplied with complete sets of Instruments, engaged perfectly in Tune [...] A Selection of first-rate Cornopeans, which they will dispose of for Cash unusually low', April 1843 (The Nation, 29 April 1843)
  • Source(s): 

    The Nation, 1 April 1843, p. 1; 15 April 1843, p. 1; 29 April 1843, p. 1; 13 May 1843, p. 1; 27 May 1843, p. 1; 10 June 1843, p. 1

    Boydell, Brian, ‘Guernsey, W.’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Last Update: 26-09-2013