Guernsey, Wellington

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Succeeded the business of Guernsey & De Vine, c. October 1843.

Guernsey advertised his 'Music Saloon' and 'Music and Musical Instrument Warehouse' in The Nation during late 1843, early 1844, specifically targeting 'The Teetotal and Amateur Bands of Ireland' and 'Temperance and Chapel Bands'.

[Dates and address differ according to sources: The Nation gives 20 Nassau Street during 1843 and 1844. Boydell gives 12 Nassau Street in 1845 only.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Guernsey, Wellington, I'll Hang my Harp on a Willow Tree, October 1843 (The Nation, 28 October 1843)
  • Knight, I Lov'd Thee Once, December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • Minchin, The Prisoner's Dream, December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • Elrington, The Gipsey Maid, December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • Halevy, Harp of My Youth, December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • Gillespy, I Muse O'er Each Remember'd Scene, December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • 'The De Lessart Waltzes', December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • 'The De Lessart Quadrilles', December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • 'The "Call" Waltz', December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • Smith, Dr J., Jamie, Tak' Me O'er the Sea, December 1843 [duet] (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • Elrington, S.N., Shakspearian Lyrics, December 1843 (The Nation, 9 December 1843)
  • De Lessart, The Mazetto Quadrilles, January 1844 (The Nation, 6 January 1844)
  • Harvey, The Forsaken One, January 1844 (The Nation, 20 January 1844)
  • Levey, The Royal Shamrock Waltzes, January 1844 (The Nation, 20 January 1844)
  • Sold

  • 'A large selection of the most popular and celebrated Marches, Quicksteps, Waltzes, Galops, Pas Redoubles, Songs and Opera Pieces, arranged in the most effective and scientific manner for the parties requiring it, by merely sending the Instruments the Band consist of, and at a price barely paying the copyist. From the facility he has of acquiring Military Music, no other party can supply Bands at the same rate. All descriptions of Instruments sold, repaired, and exchanged', October 1843 (The Nation, 28 October 1843)
  • 'Pianoforte Wire, Harp, Violin, and Guitar strings', January 1844 (The Nation, 20 January 1844)
  • Source(s): 

    The Nation, 28 October 1843, p. 2; 9 December 1843, p. 1; 6 January 1844, p. 1; 20 January 1844, p. 1

    Boydell, Brian, ‘Guernsey, W.’, Dublin Music Trade Card Index <>

    Last Update: 26-09-2013