Grierson, Hugh Boulter Primrose

Dates Active in Dublin: 



King's Arms and Two Bibles, Essex Street, 1758–59
King's Arms, Castle Lane, 1759–63
King's Arms, Dame Street, 1763–64
King's Arms, Parliament Street, 1764–71


Apprenticed to his father George Grierson (Munter).

He printed a wide range of books as well as some music and became the King's Printer in 1758.

[Dates differ according to sources: Munter gives the dates as above. Flood states that Grierson 'issued a few musical works between 1765 and 1768'. Humphries & Smith and Boydell (Calendar) give the dates as 1758 to 1770.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Trydell, Rev. John, Two Essays on the Theory and Practice of Music, 1766 (Flood and Humphries & Smith)
  • Last Update: 12-02-2017