Dobson, Eliphal (ii)

Dates Active in Dublin: 


Business Type: 

Stationer's Arms, [7/8?] Castle Street


Second son of Eliphal Dobson (i).

He entered into partnership with John Hyde as printers from 1725 to 1728 and with Sarah Hyde from 1729 to 1732 [no reference to music in the latter's activities] (Pollard).

An Eliphal Dobson, seatholder at St Werburgh's in 1719 could be either father or son, but the father of a child buried in March 1720 may be assumed to have been Eliphal (ii), as too the churchwarden of St Werburgh's in 1721 (with the address given as 8 [sic] Castle Street). He was sherriff in 1730 and was buried in St Werburgh's on 7 November 1732. Joseph Dobson, bookseller of 8 Castle Street, was a churchwarden of St Werburgh's in 1730.

[Dates differ according to sources: Munter gives the dates as 1710 to 1732 but Pollard gives them as 1718 to 1732.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Durffey, An Excellent New Song, 1710 [printed for Eliphal Dobson Junior] (Munter)
  • Last Update: 20-05-2021