Corcoran, Matthew

Dates Active in Dublin: 



20 1/2 Essex Quay, 1840
20 Essex Quay, 1841–42


Listed in the Dublin Directories as a 'Musical instrument maker to the Army'.

It is not certain to what extent (if any) Matthew Corcoran may be identified with the 'Wilkinson & Corcoran' partnership of 1836 to 1840.

Mark: 'Corcoran / 20 Essex Quay / Dublin / (unicorn head)' (Waterhouse).

[Dates and addresses differs according to sources: the Dublin Directories give 20 Essex Quay from 1840 to 1842, but Waterhouse gives 20 1/2 Essex Quay in 1840.]

Last Update: 26-09-2013