Clagget, Walter

Dates Active in Dublin: 

(1763) 1768–(c. 1771?)

Business Type: 

Brother of Charles Clagget. About 1760 he published music with Charles in Edinburgh.

In 1762 he was active as a publisher in London, and between 1763 and about 1771 he was in Dublin working as a cellist in various bands. The only evidence of his activities in the Dublin music trade are from a c. 1768 advertisement in the London Magazine noting songs for sale at his 'new Music Warehouse, Castle st.' (Pollard).

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'Untitled collection of single leaf songs, 2o, numbered [1] 1 - 24 2-41 [1]; f.23: sold only by Walter Clagget, e.g. "I've rifled Flora's painted bower"', 1768 (London Magazine 1768, p. 49, cited in Pollard)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 17-05-2018