Sullivan, J.M. & Co.

Dates Active in Dublin: 


Business Type: 

In an advertisement in the Fermanagh Mail, J.M. Sullivan stated that he was 'Late of Bussell And Co. Limited'. He announced that having 'purchased the entire stock, debts, and all other assets of the Firm of Bartley and Co. he intends carrying on the Pianoforte and Music Business as heretofore at 112 Stephen’s Green'.

Succeeded in business by Pohlmann & Son (Irish Times).

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'The New Instruments, personally Selected by Mr. Sullivan, in London, have now Arrived, And include every variety of Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and American Organs, By all the recognised standard makers. Special Attention is directed to the well-assorted Stock of New And Second-Hand Pianofortes [...] Pianos For Hire, Experienced Tuners sent to all parts of Ireland. All the Newest and Standard Music Half-price and Post Free. Latest Publications received from London daily'.
  • Source(s): 

    Fermanagh Mail, 30 August 1877, p. 3

    Irish Times, 21 October 1880, p. 1

    Last Update: 20-05-2021