Stronge, Adryan

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Also known as Adrian Strong or Strange.

Adryan Stronge is mentioned in the Dublin Assembly Rolls in April 1651: 'it is also ordered and agreed [...] that Adryan Stronge, virginall maker, shall have the place of master of the house of correccion of this cittie duering the pleasure of the cittie, and that hee shall finde a house for that imployment convenient and fitt, and finde a servant, for which hee is to have from the cittee duering his imployment in the said office the somme of thirtie pounds per annum' (Calendar of Ancient Records).

An Adryan Strong married Mary Maide in the church of St John the Evangalist, Dublin on 19 August 1651 (Mills).

Flood states, without source, that Strong 'manufactured instruments from 1639 to 1655'.

Last Update: 26-09-2013