
Dates Active in Dublin: 


Business Type: 

Stephenson's Music Shop, Capel Street, between Mary's Abbey and Mary's Lane


Stephenson's Music Shop opened in February 1771 (General News Letter)

[Details differ according to sources: Carroll gives 'Stephenson's Music Shop, Capel Street' in 1771 citing the General News Letter. Boydell gives the address as 6 Grafton Street, but William Gibson was at this address in 1771. Boydell also states that Stevenson's Music Shop was perhaps taken over by Gibson in 1773 but Gibson was established at 6 Grafton Street from c. 1768. Munter lists an Alexander Stevenson or Stephenson as a bookbinder in Dublin in '1774–1775?' without an address and with no reference to music. It is possible that these are the same person.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'From London, Cremona Violins, Duke’s best ditto, low Price ditto by different Makers in London and Dublin, German Flutes by the best Makers in London and Dublin, Strings for all Instruments in Use, Hautboy and Bassoon Reeds, also Harpsichord, Piano Forte, and Guitars made by Gibson (of College-green) which he finds superior to any he could import, Bows, Bridges, and every other Article in the Musical way. Instruments repairs with the utmost Expedition. He has a large Assortment of the best Instrumental Music, which he will be constantly supplied with from London and other Parts, also short Scores of the Operas for the Harpsichord and Voice, ditto for the Flute and Guitar, and all the favourite Ballads. Speedily will be published, the favourite Songs in the Romp; No. I and 2 of the Musical Magazine, and the following Numbers as they come out.' (General News Letter)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 12-02-2017