Shade, Henry L.

Dates Active in Dublin: 

1826–after 1865


1 Parliament Street, 1826–after 1850
Cheap Music Warehouse, 1 Parliament Street, c. 1842
15 French Street, 1844 [second premises]
Shade's Musical Warehouse, 32 Westmoreland Street, 1865


Acted as an agent for George Shade of London in 1826 and 1827 [misspelt Snade in some editions of the Dublin Directories].

[Details differ according to sources: Humphries & Smith and Hogan give the dates as c. 1828 to 1840. The Freeman's Journal refers to Shade at Westmoreland Street in 1865. The Dublin Directories give the dates of 1826 and 1827 in reference to George Shade of London which Humphries & Smith state was an agency 'kept by Henry L. Shade'. Lawrence gives the Cheapmusic [sic] Warehouse, 1 Parliament Street address in 1842.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'To be sold, a very superior toned guitar, by the above maker [Panormo], left for sale at Shade's Cheapmusic [sic] Warehouse, 1 Parliament Street', 21 April 1842 (Lawrence, citing Saunder's News-Letter)
  • Last Update: 16-03-2017