46 Grafton Street, February 1850
1, Leinster Street, early October 1850
28 Westmoreland Street, late October 1850
28 Westmoreland Street & 11 Wellington Road, 1851
College Green, 1851
26 College Green, 1852–56
27 College Green & 8 Church Lane, June 1856
15 Westmoreland Street, 1862
Prior to 1844, Scates worked in for Wheatstone in London as a reed maker and tuner. In 1844 he started his own business which he maintained until 1849 when he sold it to George Case. In February 1850 he moved to Dublin (Flint).
He is listed in the Dublin Directories as 'Professor of the concertina' (1851), 'Professor and maker of the concertina' (1853), 'Professor of the concertina and musical repository' (1855), 'Pianoforte and harmonium warehouse' (1861 & 1865) and also as 'London pianoforte, harp & harmonium importer' (1865).
Scates exhibited at the 1853 and 1865 Dublin Exhibitions. The 1853 Exhibition Expositor noted 'some concertinas of his own manufacture that deserve more than a passing word of commendation [...] are very highly finished, and possess a full, mellow and clear tone. His improvements are a Tympanium, or leather sound covering, and double sound boards. He also introduces the silver stops or touches, and has five folds in the bellows'.
Mark: 'Joseph Scates, Manufacturer & Professor of the Concertina, 28, Westmoreland Street, Dublin', 'Joseph Scates, Manufacturer & Professor of the Concertina, 15 Westmoreland St., Dublin' and 'J. Scates Westmoreland St. Dublin Pianoforte & Harmonium Importer'.
Succeeded in business by Cramer & Co. in December 1865 (Irish Times).
Published (as listed in Flint)
Wessel & Co., 1857
Dublin Directories
The Exhibition Expositor and Advertiser (Dublin: John Cameron for the proprietors Gunn & Cameron, 1853), XXIV, p. 6
Irish Times, 18 October 1865, p. 2; 1 November 1865, p. 2; 2 December 1865, p. 1
Flint, Chris, 'A review of Joseph Scates, Manufacturer & Professor of the Concertina: The Man, the Instrument, and his Family' http://www.scatesconcertinas.com/pdf/Joseph%20Scates%20Review%20July%202009.pdf [accessed 16 March 2018], pp. 3–6, 25–6
Last Update: 16-03-2018