Rhames, Aaron

Dates Active in Dublin: 


Business Type: 

Three Keys, Nicholas Street, 1703–09
The Back of Dick's Coffee House, Skinner Row, 1709–16?
Opposite the Pyed Horse, or Tillotson's Head, Capel Street, 1719?–34


Father of Benjamin Rhames.

Apprenticed to John Ray.

Aaron Rhames was a leading stationer of his day. He printed sheet music from 1729 to 1732 (Munter).

Apprentice: Thomas Moore.

His death notice in the Dublin Journal stated that he was 'a very eminent Printer, who was the first Person that brought the excellent and useful Act of Printing to any Perfection in this Kingdom.'

Succeeded in business by his widow Margaret Rhames.

Select Product/Work List: 


  • 'A metrical Psalter', 1718 (Munter)
  • Last Update: 20-05-2021