Pigott, Samuel J.

Dates Active in Dublin: 


Business Type: 

Harmonic Institution, 13 Westmoreland Street, 1830–36
Harmonic Institution, 112 Grafton Street, 1836–66


Succeeded the business of Pigott & Sherwin in 1830. After the partnership was dissolved, Pigott continued at the same address and Sherwin moved to 32 Grafton Street.

Succeeded by Pigott and Company in 1866.

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Lacote guitars, 27 January 1836 (Lawrence, citing The Dublin Evening Mail)
  • Lacote and Panormo guitars, 28 April 1840 (Lawrence, citing The Dublin Evening Post
  • 'Concert grand, patent improved, and oblique grand pianofortes', 1865 (Dublin International Exhibition of 1865)
  • Last Update: 16-03-2017