Needham, Gwyn

Dates Active in Dublin: 



Union Coffee House, Cork Hill, 1714–15
Hanover Coffee House, Cork Hill, 1715–19?
Blind Quay, near Essex Bridge, 1718?–19
Golden Phoenix, Sycamore Alley, near the Post Office, 1719–24?
Cheshire Cheese, opposite the Bear, Crane Lane, 1724–28?
Next door to the Angel and Bible, or, Seven Stars, opposite Castle Market, Dame Street, 1725–28
Silver Court, next door to the Sign of the Golden Hammer and Heart, opposite Rose Tavern, Castle Street, 1728–30


Also known as Gwynne Needham.

Married Elisabeth Dickson (widow of the printer Francis Dickson) in 1714 and joined in partnership with her and her son Richard.

The business comprised two printing presses: Richard and Elizabeth ran one, Gwyn ran the other (Munter).

Select Product/Work List: 


  • A Pill to purge State Melancholly, or, a Collection of the Newest Ballads, 1716 (Dublin Intelligence)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 12-02-2017