Moore, William

Dates Active in Dublin: 

1789–c. 1815


22 Abbey Street, until December 1789
47 Capel Street, December 1789–1810
48 Capel Street, c1810–15


Advertised in the Dublin Evening Post in 1789 as "Inlaid Furniture - Plain Ditto - Pianoforte, and Harpsichord Manufactory". Listed in the Dublin Directories as a 'cabinet piano maker' (1794–1810).

[Dates differ according to sources: the Dublin Directories give the dates at 47 Capel Street as 1794 to 1810 but Teahan gives them as 1794 to 1809. The Dublin Evening Mail advertisement of December 1789 notes "he has removed from Abbey-street, to Capel-street, No. 47".]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Cases for Southwell's pianos of the demi-lune type (Bozarth, Debenham & Cripps, citing FitzGerald and Peill)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 20-05-2021