Bray, J.

Dates Active in Dublin: 

before 1853–1870


The Exhibition Expositor discussing harps in the Dublin Industrial Exhibition, 1853, writes that '[The harps] on the gallery exhibited by J. Bray, demand special notice at our hands, inasmuch as they were manufactured on the premises of the exhibitor in Westmoreland Street. One of these is a Double-Action harp in ultramarine and gold, 6 1/2 octaves, with all the modern improvements; and the other is in Bird-eye Maple, 6 octaves, Gothic pattern. Mr. Bray also contributed a beautiful specimen of Irish manufacture in this department to the last Triennial Exhibition of the Royal Dublin Society and a further specimen has been sent by him to the New York Exhibition'.

Lawrence states that Bray 'constructed, repaired and sold English concertinas, was an agent for Wheatstone's patent concertinas and sold all of the latest works by Giulio Regondi'.

Mark: 'J. Bray, Dublin' (Waterhouse).

The Irish Times advertised in March 1870 that 'Messrs Bray and Son, who, having sold the interest in their concerns, are now retiring from business'.

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Clarinet: University of Edinburgh [formerly in the Brackenbury collection]. Record identifier UEDIN:973
  • Sold (as listed in Lawrence)

  • Regondi, Giulio, New Method for the Concertina
  • Regondi, Giulio, Twelve Recreations
  • Regondi, Giulio, Recollections of Home, including arrangements of An Irish Immigrant, Home Sweet Home, and Auld Lang Syne
  • Last Update: 16-03-2017