Millar, Henry

Dates Active in Dublin: 

c. 1767–1775


College Street, 1769–74
15 College Street, 1775


Listed in the Dublin Directories as 'organ builder'.

[Details differ according to sources: the Dublin Directories give the dates as 1769 to 1775 but Hughes gives the date of the St Werburgh Church organ as 1767. The Dublin Directories give the addresses as above but Teahan erroneously lists the address in 1775 as College Green. Note: Charles Holmes, organ builder, was at this address in 1784.]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Organ: St Werburgh's Church, 1767 [added two stops in 1769] (Hughes, Flood)
  • See Also: 

    Last Update: 26-09-2013