Holles, Maxwell

Dates Active in Dublin: 



20 Tigge Street, 1816–18
18 Upper Ormond Quay, 1819
7 Essex Quay, 1820–24
11 Essex Quay, 1824
14 Essex Quay, 1825
1 Essex Quay, 1826–27
Royal Colonnade, Essex Quay, 1828–29


Teahan states Holles was a 'Six Keyed Bugle Maker'.

Holles employed John Green, the London musical instrument maker and seller, to sell his instruments in England between December 1817 and February 1819 (Lasocki, 1). Holles also shipped 'patent kent bugles, octave bugles with keys' to Philadelphia to be sold by the George E. Blake, the music publisher, in 1821 (Lasocki, II).

[Dates and addresses differ according to sources: the Dublin Directories give the dates and addresses, except the 11 Upper Ormond Quay address from 1816 to 1818. Teahan gives the dates and addresses above, except the 11 Essex Quay address in 1824. Hogan gives 7 Essex Quay at c. 1824 only.]

Select Product/Work List: 

Produced (cited in Lasocki)

  • Six-keyed bugle: Historisches Museum, Basel [formerly in the Bernoulli collection]. Inventory number 1980.2543. Mark: 'Royal / Patent / KENT / Bugle / No 272 / HALLIDAY INVENTOR' and 'Made by M. Holles / 20 Tighe St / Dublin' [bell rim]
  • Seven-keyed bugle: Horniman Museum, London [formerly Carse 115.80]. Mark: 'Made by M. Holles. 18 Upr. Ormond Quay, Dublin. Royal Patent Bugle, No. 378, Halliday inventor.'
  • Last Update: 16-05-2018