Exshaw, John

Dates Active in Dublin: 



The Bible, Cork Hill, 1748–53 [as S. & J. Exshaw]
Bible, Dame Street, 1760
Dame Street, 1762
86 Dame Street, c. 1776


Apprenticed to his father Edward Exshaw.

Edward took John into partnership in 1748 and upon his death later that year, the business was continued by John and his step-mother Sarah.

After Sarah stopped trading in 1753, John continued in the book trade until 1777, but it is not known if he published or sold music under his own name.

He is listed in the Dublin Directories in 1762 and 1777 as a 'bookseller'.

Apprentice: Thomas Walker.

[Note: Berry erroneously gives Ed. Exshaw instead of John Exshaw at the Bible, Dame Street in 1760]

Select Product/Work List: 


  • Exshaw's London Magazine (1741–94) [included printed music, listed in Lawrence]
  • Last Update: 12-02-2017